We celebrate the naturalness of our kindergarten and our impact on planet Earth. Come and make a difference with us.
Session Times
Kindergarten Monday – Friday 8.30 – 2.30Makauri Rural Kindergarten is situated in a rural setting, seven kilometres from Gisborne City. We have a strong relationship with the community and Makauri School. The kindergarten has a roll of 40 children. All children experience a programme that is challenging, exciting and age-appropriate.
Children who attend Makauri Rural Kindergarten are empowered by our philosophy which encompasses three principles — problem solving, relationships and sustainability. Through this philosophy, children have the ability to identify and solve problems, are able to initiate and maintain relationships and are encouraged to gain knowledge while taking responsibility and caring for a sustainable environment.
Children respond to the knowledge that they are leaders and role models as they ensure that their environment is looked after. The children respect the animals they have responsibility for at kindergarten.
We strive to make the most of the natural resources we have on hand which consists of a fruit orchard, vege and herb gardens and free-range eggs. We share these goods with the community through our market stall (Michael Recycle). The children are involved in the process of producing goods for our market stall. Children are engaged through meaningful play which encompasses a project approach to learning.
Three passionate teachers — Sarah Brenton-Rule (Head Teacher), Jo Conder (Teacher), Margaret Torrie (Teacher), Lucy Bruce (Teacher) and Caroline Smale (Teacher) — and Wendy, our devoted teacher aide, all have a love of Papatuanuku (Mother Earth), a passion for children and a dedication to providing an exciting learning environment. We value parent and community involvement and appreciate their contributions and support. We encourage you to come and spend some time with us and see how a calm and responsive environment can enhance your child’s learning.
Contact Details
Head Teacher
Sarah Brenton-Rule
Phone: 8674728 Mob: 021 1199172 Fax: 8674724 Email: makauriruralkindergarten@xtra.co.nz