Picture by Dave Thomas

Pickering Street Kindergarten

Pickering Street Kindergarten celebrates each child’s unique and individual learning journey.

Session Times

Kindergarten Monday – Friday 8.30 – 2.30

Pickering Street kindergarten is located next to Waikirikiri School. We welcome input from our whanau and community and have links to the school.

We are guided by three core values: Manaakitanga (caring for others and surroundings): Whakawhanaungatanga (building and maintaining relationships) and Rangatiratanga (self-management, leadership and persistence).

Through these values our learning programme focuses on supporting and extending four critical areas of learning:

  • Whakamana – develop and display a positive self-worth
  • Ngā Hononga – initiate, build and maintain relationships
  • Mana Reo – communicate effectively for a range of purposes
  • Mana Aoturoa – develop the skills and attitudes to be active, engaged learners

We are a professional teaching team headed by Donny Manuel (Head Teacher), with Tania Keelan (Teacher) and Rebecca Christie-Beale (Teacher) assisted by Kaiawhina Marisa Neho.

Email Contact Form

Contact Details

Head Teacher
Donny Manuel

Pickering Street Kindergarten Pickering St PO Box 3017 Gisborne Phone: 8677684 Fax: 8677683 pickeringkdg@xtra.co.nz

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