Knox Street Kindergarten

He aha te mea nui o te Ao?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
What is the most important thing in the world?
People, people, people.

Session Times

Kindergarten Monday – Friday 8.30 – 2.30

The passionate and qualified team at Knox Street Kindergarten are Head Teacher Charlie Green, and teachers Debbie Traue, Tania Keelan and Rochelle Bryant. The teaching team believes in providing children (tamariki) with opportunities to develop their capacity to communicate, to think, feel and explore. Strengthening confidence, self- esteem and a sense of belonging are also considered integral components of Knox Street Kindergarten’s holistic approach to learning. The team ensures tamariki are supported on their lifelong learning journey.

The kindergarten, sited across the street from Elgin School, is a community of diverse cultures and learners that is valued, respected and celebrated. A warm, inviting, learning environment is provided for children and their families/whanau.

Children’s curiosity, confidence and competence is supported through planned and spontaneous programmes that are based on the thoughts, ideas and interests of tamariki.

Manaakitanga (nurturing), whanaungatanga (relationships) and te reo (language) are valued aspects of te Ao Maori within the Knox Street learning environment that promote consideration of the needs of all tamariki.

Email Contact Form

Contact Details

Head Teacher
Charlie Green

Knox Street Kindergarten 3 Knox St Gisborne 4010 Phone: 8676999  Mobile: 027 7781449 Fax: 8676492 Email:

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